LA HS School Site Council Meeting 09/25/06
School Site Council (SSC) Meeting Minutes
September 25th 2006
Dr Nishimura, Maria Mateo, Nayelly Student, Jon Mannion, Lawana Covington, Teacher F Perez, Teacher, Didi Gotseva, Teacher Jason Torres Rangel, Teacher , Rosanna Altin Teacher, Tae Hwan Lee, student, Community Rep Julieta Chavez, Susan Allen, HS Director, Pamela Zapata Student
Welcome message form S Allen
Setting of Objectives from Principal
Intro Blanca Rangel
Orientation from B Rangel
A video was played re the roles of members in the SSC.
B Rangel orders that we go to elect officers.
Dr Nishimura asks for an example of a Single School Plan.
We are to drive the educational and instructional programs for LAHS.
Question from Rosanna Altin re A track students,
Answer: there will be an A track election
Q from F Perez: can we have a copy of the SSSP?
S Allen reiterates the idea that this body is responsible to create the SSSP.
B Rangel talks about Pio Pico re legal importance of our council and the SSSP.
Possible resignation of a parent due to time problems.
JTRangel nominated by F Perez
Motion to accept Jason Torres Rangel
Forwarded by F Perez, 2nd by Rosanne Altin
Accepted without contention. Unanimously accepted.
Vice Chairperson
Tae Hwan Lee self nominated for VC seconded by Dr Nishimura
Rosanne Altin nominated Jon Mannion for Secretary 2nd by Dr Nishimura
Accepted under duress
F Perez nominated Rosanne Perez for Parliamentarian 2nd by Lawana Covington
Accepts position
Question re Meeting length and frequency fro Dr Nishimura :
B Rangel stated that the meetings must be 45mins to 1 1/2hrs once a month
Where are the bye laws? Do we stand by them?
Re Dept of State Mr O Connell we have to re do our bye-laws. B Rangel recommends that we re do our Bye laws.
Susan Allen asks about quorum: Quorum will be 7 out of 12 or 50% plus one.
Q from R Altin What if we have 50% plus 1 but there is not parity?
There is a secretary this year re keeping parity. And the procedure for replacement must be observed.
Q from R Altin: Membership is not transferable ie. Is no voting allowed by the Alternates. If a person misses 3 consecutive meetings then a process will be set in motion to replace that person?
Secretary requested for emails
A translation service was suggested to facilitate multi-lingual minutes and emails
Mr TorresRangel assumes the Chair
Suggests we talk about meeting time and frequency.
Motion to suggest 4 30pm as beginning time. F Perez
Q re Student from A tack without an election, and chance to participate
BRangel suggests we can invite an A track student to be an alternate only.
BRangel asks that we could expand the number of Teachers, Parents and students to accommodate another student. This would imply alternates coming into the Council.
One more parent, one more teacher and one more out of classroom position, one more parent. Was suggested by F Perez, and B Rangel.
Thus quorum would be 9 and not 7.
Tae Kwan Lee asks for more students. BRangel insists on parity.
Tae Hwan Lee asks if the list is in order. He has a question re the number of votes for Chavez re other parent member Sook Kyung Sung.
Brenda Pensamiento: Suggests we need to facilitate an A track election in May/June
B Rangel says we are already out of compliance due to the time schedule. And that students would feel disenfranchised if the elections were in the previous year.
Be happy!
To and fro re how to accommodate the missing A track students
Dr Nishimura asks for a process to set an election for an A Track student. He suggests sacrificing a B or C track student position for the missing A track student
S Allen suggests expanding the SSC to 15member
F Perez asks that 1st agenda item be the A track election and a resolution to the
Motion to place that on the agenda 2nd by Dr Nishimura
Unanimously accepted.
Agenda for October 2nd 4 30pm-600pm
Single plan to be passed out at next meeting Monday October 1st 2006
Training was suggested by S Allen ,and detailed by B Pensamiento
Agenda item of sub committees
B Rangel suggests by laws to be the focus of the next meeting
Julieta Chavez asks for discipline and awareness of time, to be dedicated to the meeting and nothing else.
Meeting closed by Chair TR
Thanks to B Pensamiento for the buffet.
September 25th 2006
Dr Nishimura, Maria Mateo, Nayelly Student, Jon Mannion, Lawana Covington, Teacher F Perez, Teacher, Didi Gotseva, Teacher Jason Torres Rangel, Teacher , Rosanna Altin Teacher, Tae Hwan Lee, student, Community Rep Julieta Chavez, Susan Allen, HS Director, Pamela Zapata Student
Welcome message form S Allen
Setting of Objectives from Principal
Intro Blanca Rangel
Orientation from B Rangel
A video was played re the roles of members in the SSC.
B Rangel orders that we go to elect officers.
Dr Nishimura asks for an example of a Single School Plan.
We are to drive the educational and instructional programs for LAHS.
Question from Rosanna Altin re A track students,
Answer: there will be an A track election
Q from F Perez: can we have a copy of the SSSP?
S Allen reiterates the idea that this body is responsible to create the SSSP.
B Rangel talks about Pio Pico re legal importance of our council and the SSSP.
Possible resignation of a parent due to time problems.
JTRangel nominated by F Perez
Motion to accept Jason Torres Rangel
Forwarded by F Perez, 2nd by Rosanne Altin
Accepted without contention. Unanimously accepted.
Vice Chairperson
Tae Hwan Lee self nominated for VC seconded by Dr Nishimura
Rosanne Altin nominated Jon Mannion for Secretary 2nd by Dr Nishimura
Accepted under duress
F Perez nominated Rosanne Perez for Parliamentarian 2nd by Lawana Covington
Accepts position
Question re Meeting length and frequency fro Dr Nishimura :
B Rangel stated that the meetings must be 45mins to 1 1/2hrs once a month
Where are the bye laws? Do we stand by them?
Re Dept of State Mr O Connell we have to re do our bye-laws. B Rangel recommends that we re do our Bye laws.
Susan Allen asks about quorum: Quorum will be 7 out of 12 or 50% plus one.
Q from R Altin What if we have 50% plus 1 but there is not parity?
There is a secretary this year re keeping parity. And the procedure for replacement must be observed.
Q from R Altin: Membership is not transferable ie. Is no voting allowed by the Alternates. If a person misses 3 consecutive meetings then a process will be set in motion to replace that person?
Secretary requested for emails
A translation service was suggested to facilitate multi-lingual minutes and emails
Mr TorresRangel assumes the Chair
Suggests we talk about meeting time and frequency.
Motion to suggest 4 30pm as beginning time. F Perez
Q re Student from A tack without an election, and chance to participate
BRangel suggests we can invite an A track student to be an alternate only.
BRangel asks that we could expand the number of Teachers, Parents and students to accommodate another student. This would imply alternates coming into the Council.
One more parent, one more teacher and one more out of classroom position, one more parent. Was suggested by F Perez, and B Rangel.
Thus quorum would be 9 and not 7.
Tae Kwan Lee asks for more students. BRangel insists on parity.
Tae Hwan Lee asks if the list is in order. He has a question re the number of votes for Chavez re other parent member Sook Kyung Sung.
Brenda Pensamiento: Suggests we need to facilitate an A track election in May/June
B Rangel says we are already out of compliance due to the time schedule. And that students would feel disenfranchised if the elections were in the previous year.
Be happy!
To and fro re how to accommodate the missing A track students
Dr Nishimura asks for a process to set an election for an A Track student. He suggests sacrificing a B or C track student position for the missing A track student
S Allen suggests expanding the SSC to 15member
F Perez asks that 1st agenda item be the A track election and a resolution to the
Motion to place that on the agenda 2nd by Dr Nishimura
Unanimously accepted.
Agenda for October 2nd 4 30pm-600pm
Single plan to be passed out at next meeting Monday October 1st 2006
Training was suggested by S Allen ,and detailed by B Pensamiento
Agenda item of sub committees
B Rangel suggests by laws to be the focus of the next meeting
Julieta Chavez asks for discipline and awareness of time, to be dedicated to the meeting and nothing else.
Meeting closed by Chair TR
Thanks to B Pensamiento for the buffet.
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