Monday, February 26, 2007

LA High School Agenda for SSC Meeting 4.35pm February 21st 2007

February 21st 2007

LA High School
Agenda for SSC Meeting 4.35pm
Title 1 Office

1. Read and approve minutes

2. Old Business
Budget and Grant issues Dr Choe
3. New Business
Cat Fund Request Applications
CLC Cat Fund Request
Blanca Rangel and SSC Issues

5. Upcoming Business

6. Announcements

Sgt at Arms TODO LIST

Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1 Feb 21 2007

Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1

LA High School Feb 21 2007Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1


Chair J TorresRangel (JTR)Secretary Jon Mannion (JM)Maria Mateo (MM)parentJulieta Chavez (JC)parentsLawana Covington (LC)Tae Hwan Lee (THL)StudentFelicia RichardDidi Gotzeva (DG)
Dr Moohay Choe(MC)
Raul Fernandez(RF)
Didi Gotseva (DG)
Rosanne Altin (RA)
Oscar Saravia(OS) (translation)
Blanca Rangel (BR)

440pm meeting to order

Action Items reviewed by Rosanne Altin

2. Agenda Amendments

Dr Choe re HPSG

Questions re budget
Shifted money from on line item to another
FP we don’t have a copy to look at.
FN can we get a copy to Mannion to distribute and put in the record
FP Marquee and Ojai will come from A204 which is approx 54000USD
FN From about 150,000USD which has 90000 USD left
Ie 120000USD left for SSC to play with
These are held in various line items.

FP how much $$ should we OK?

JM Motion to hear Ms Richard’s petition re her applications for Cat Funding
2nd LC
Carried by majority

FR explains her proposals (see docs) re meeting the needs of the Black child
Asks T1 to pay for parents, Admin and teachers
BR we cannot use T1 to send parents out of town
RA what came of the conference last year?
FR the conference educated the peope who visited
RA what has been shared with the campus at large?
FP Black History Month among other things
FP How much and how many people
FR 275USD per person to the local conference, a bus, free admission. We want 6 teachers and 4 parents. 1 admin. Subs when needed. Ie 275USD x 11, for each day
Students workshop is separate from main conference.
FP how will people be selected?
FR from a variety of backgrounds and different departments, esp Special Ed, parents,
FP will a flier be created?
FP If the OK was partial could you accommodate that and select proportionately to the amount
FR we prioritize the students which are FREE.
FN the buses are available, as only 2 have been used. Leaving 14 bus trips.
FP Do we have the details of the balances in T1? Are we able to make a decision now w/o knowing the budget availability?
RA can we get PD thru SBM based on this Blueprint from NCEBC
FP line item in negative for travel and conferences.
MC can move $ from Z time
FP another source may be 13400USD for substitutes.
FN can we vote by paper. See the budget availability form T1
FP Motion that we fund travel to the local NCEBC conference for the 11. 6T 1A 4P and 25 S. after sub committee meeting to stermine amount
FN Seconded
TL when will the sub committee meeting occur?
FN this week

Carried unanimously

Sub committee Didi Nunnally, Dr Choe.
Budget Adjustments
Ojai for leadership
2 To cover negative in A204
3 0A56 provide funding for PD and Conference Attendance

Motion to approve Ojai

Motion to cover deficits A204

To fund PD in 0A56

JM Process before and after must be observed.
TKL Motion 3 critieria to be followed

1 An open System for selecting teachers
2 How teachers will return and share the info
3. How much the cost will be
Seconded JM

Info passed re PD for Technology that helps new server installation
FP collates the votes
Motion to fund
Ms Blacklock to library

Supplemental Materials for Dr Krishefsky to 3000USD
Can we refer to SBM? As they have a cush fund of 6000USD

FP this is very a T1 item
JM Mr K uses these tech very well and thoroughly
FN what about IMA account?
Passed by majority from T1

Ms Tyler 40 copies of 3 texts1328USD
See docs
JTR how do English buy books?
Is this supplemental of mainstream?
In 4170 the dept is in the negative.
FP they are NOT supplemental
FN some teacher shave copies but we have not located them.
JM what is supplemental? We don’t have the books so they are supplemental even though

FP Motion NOT to approve
Seconded TKL
5-2 for motion

4. YES RA 8000USD for 20 students
JM quite expensive per student.
Similar intervention to ACE.
Funding runs out in Dec 2006!

RA Motion to continue YES with a cap of $3000
Seconded by LC

Carried by majority

Technology Windows2003 Training
Best from HPSG
Motion to approve

SSC Training by Blanca Rangel
See link to B Rangel Doc ppt

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Agenda for SSC Meeting Minutes Jan 22, 2007 4.35pm

LA High School Dec 11th 2006

Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1


Chair J TorresRangel (JTR)
Secretary Jon Mannion (JM)
Maria Mateo (MM)parent
Julieta Chavez (JC)parents
Lawana Covington (LC)
Tae Hwan Lee (THL)Student
John Nunnally (JN) (Title 1)
Didi Gotzeva (DG) Raul Fernandez(RF)
Rosanne Altin (RA)
Oscar Saravia(OS) (translation)

449pm meeting to order

1. Minutes approved unanimously as unofficial record.

2. Agenda Amendments

Nish not here to talk about HPSG so TODO rolled over to next meeting.

3. Grant and Budget Issues

RF re new grant deals with space 3896 students are coming to LA HS (after we lose 800 students) this refers to SB1193 Number could change with 150 students to go to the Continuation School. At Wilshire Cres. In three years Ambassador Site will be opening.

JM in other words SB 1193 is looking for Title1 schools but those with “spare” space!!

Clarification of HPSG spending needed.

JM shows the spending of the 350 000 USD on technology from Superintendent’s Fund (AKA Transitional Fund). JM explained the transfer that took place from the Super’s Fund to the HPSG. It was not permitted to hold funds in the HPSG IMA account, so it was decided to spend those funds on technology, which is easy to justify. In effect the funds will be transferred from the HPSG to the Super’s Fund.

JM presented the notes that requested a 136000USD order for technology. Also JM showed the earlier requisitions for 350000USD from the Super’s Fund. This was split into 136000 for technology and 350000 minus 136000 the requisitions are in the minutes. (see file.)

RA mentions that MC said in passing that the HPSG is spent. This shocked RA and RA is requesting a clarification of the process and the spending.

Action item: ask Susan Allen re the 150 000 USD from the HPSG that was taken out of the SuperIntendant s fund.

Chair Examines the budget. Asks whether he should sign the budget. (BAR)

Chair where is the process? Re

Action step re Conference Spending process. If it is SLC or Title 1.

DG maybe a system should be in place for Conference Allocation.

TKL Motion to table the conference BAR and other BAR and requests. Excepting the Art field trip buses (without TAs)

And re direct Counseling Book request to SBM

And YES to be tabled

2nd by RA.

Motion carried unanimously.

Delivery Issues: Multi track issue and multi agency request cause confusion. Storage space an issue. Security an issue.

Custodian absences: subs came in . Elementary gets priority over HS. Still short 2 on illness, 1 on FML (no sub) 1 on medical, 1 on medical. On night shift.

Anthony Andrade: Conflict with work at LACAS. Ask for a letter of resignation.

RF Needs Assessment for Title 1

RF met SA and Dennis Barnet the New food services director , will be on campus Tuesday January 23rd at 11am

Chair Meeting adjourned 6 10pm

Action Steps

1 Feranndez Speak with SA re 150 000

2. Why T1 not SLC? Conference process.

3. AA resignation

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Agenda for SSC Meeting January 22nd 2007

January 22nd 2007

LA High School

Agenda for SSC Meeting 4.35pm

Title 1 Office


1. Read and approve minutes

2. Old Business

Other Budget and Grant issues


3. New Business

New grant: Status

Delivery Drop off location

Parent Participation Update

Mr Knepper re YES

Altin re Furniture

5. Upcoming Business

Labs distributed

Training Needs of CLC Staff

6. Announcements

Sgt at Arms TODO LIST

Agenda for SSC Meeting Minutes 01/8/07

Members: Chair J Torres Rangel (JTR)

Felicia Perez (FP)

Lawana Covington (LC)

Student Tae Hwan Lee (THL)

Dr. Frank Nishimura(FN)

Roseanne Altin (RA)

Oscar Saravia, guest- interpreter

1. Actas

Minutes from previous meeting were not approved due to lack of quorum.

2. Old Business

The council still doesn’t know the name of the person who currently oversees HPSG funds downtown. The council asked Ms. Altin to, as the parliamentarian, to keep a record of to-do list along with the name of the person(s) supposed to follow up as well as a voting record.

3. New Business

Dr. Nishimura informed the council about a new grant, SB1193, for which a total of eighty-three high schools will receive one thousand dollars per student for seven years. A question arose as to who would be responsible for writing the grant proposal. Dr. Nishimura stated the SSC will take on that responsibility and if necessary request help from classroom teachers, such as Mr. Deligencia, who originally wrote the grant proposal for our HPSG grant. The purpose and focus of the grant would be to lower the counselor-student ration and the teacher-student ration (200 students per counselor and 25 students per teacher).

Teachers should be reminded of the new process and new request form for utilizing Title I and HPSG Funds for instructional materials and fieldtrips. Also, a letter should be written up to inform parents and students of the availability of funds. Mr. Nunnally informed the council he would write up a memo and box it along with the Request Form to all teachers. The council inquired as to whether there were any requests pending approval. Dr. Nishimura state he received a couple of requests for life skills courses (consumable) but that were not complete- they were missing the administrator’s signature and Ms. Anthony shared with him she would go over the request before signing it off.

If requests are not received by next week, a list can be produced and distributed to teachers informing them of the things Title I and HPSG Funds can pay for. Dr. Nishimura informed the council of the need for AP teachers to attend a workshop which will help them write a syllabus for the AP course they teach. This syllabus is mandatory in order to teach the AP Course, however, once the syllabus is written, it is good and effective for as long as the teacher continues to teach the same subject. In the case a new teacher wishes to teach an AP Course, a syllabus must be submitted for approval.

Ms. Altin asked how the ACE program, which is funded by HPSG, helps support Math/English. Dr. Nish shared that HPSG funds may be used for intervention, and the ACE Program falls under that category. Ms. Altin shared with the council that our YES program is running out of fund. Dr. Nish informed her that the program may apply for funding, but to be careful about the wording of the request and its justification so it can fall under the HPSG guidelines. As a reminded it was shared that HPSG funds are to assist with College Prep programs/classes, English and Math.

Mr. Tae Hwan Lee shared with the council that Mr. Cunningham, AP English teacher, needs supplies such as books, dictionaries and other materials to help students prepare for the AP English Exam. It was agreed that Mr. Cunningham would be asked to fill out a Request From so he can receive any supplemental materials he may need.

Ms. Altin shared with the council the need for new furniture in the community room and the main office. If available, funds should be used to purchase a new nice table with new, nice chairs to provide the school visitors with a more professional look. At the present time, funds cannot be used for purchasing furniture. However, Ms. Altin pointed that the Title I Office and the Administrator’s Office in the Dean’s Office purchased new furniture. Mr. Saravia, in response, shared with the Council that the money for the furniture had come from funding program 0A46 which was a one-time funding source made up of left over Title I Money from other schools that was assigned to LA High with a expenditure window of 4-6 weeks. During those weeks aside from ordering supplemental materials for both the math and English departments the money was used for purchasing furniture. Mr. Altin stated the council should come up with more creative ways to get the things we need. Old furniture evoke depressed feelings and we should move on from a “we don’t know how to get the funding” mentality to actually finding ways to get things done.

Dr. Nishimura shared with the council that at LACES the Parent Booster Group would raise enough money to pay for a copy machine, pay for nurse time, and other expenditures that could not be covered with available funds. Dr. Nish, however, shared with the council that he would look into the possibility of purchasing new furniture.

Mr. Nunnally presented the council with a report of our copy machine expenditures. In light of the large sum of money that is being paid due to overcharges, Mr. Nunnally suggested switching our current plan of 75k copies per month to 500k per month in order to keep up with the copy requests from teachers as well as from administrators and other offices instead enforcing a limited number of copies a month per teacher policy.

Ms. Altin suggested assigning student workers to the PE department so they can monitor locker rooms. Mr. Nunnally expressed his hesitance to let students monitor students due to safety concerns. Ms. Altin agreed and stated it is not the best solution for the need of personnel, but something needs to be done about the lack of personnel. Ms. Altin shared with the council that other schools do employ locker attendants. Dr. Nishimura stated he would look into ways to solve this problem.

2. Delivery Drop-Off Location

Mr. Mannion is requesting the Title I Office to be the official delivery drop-off location in order to ensure expensive supplies and materials are not stolen, grow legs, or disappear. Dr. Nishimura stated he would sit with Mr. Fernandez, Mr. Mannion and Mr. Nunnally to discuss it further.

3. Parent Participation

The council decided to ask our Community Reps to call SSC Parent Members to remind them SSC Meetings on a regular basis.

4. Janitorial/Cafeteria Workers on Leave

Ms. Perez shared with the council that five janitorial workers are on medical leave. Dr. Nishimura stated that a few cafeteria workers are also on medical leave. Ms. Perez wanted to know if anything can be done to get these positions filled again in order to help with the school cleanliness. Dr. Nishimura replied that if the workers have filed legitimate disability paperwork, no subs can be provided. He stated that Susan Allen is aware of this fact as well as the pertinent union representative, but because of their union contract, very little can be done to remedy this problem. Dr. Nishimura stated he would bring this up again with Susan Allen.

5. Adjournment.

The Meeting was adjourned at 6:10pm.

Agenda for SSC Meeting 4.35pm

January 8th 2007

LA High School
Agenda for SSC Meeting 4.35pm
Title 1 Office

1. Read and approve minutes

2. Old Business

Downtown HPSG will visit and explain the processes of budgeting
Other Budget and Grant issues

3. New Business
Title 1 Coordinator Issues
New grant: Status
Delivery Drop off location
Parent Participation Update

5. Upcoming Business
Labs distributed
Training Needs of CLC Staff

6. Announcements

Sgt at Arms TODO LIST