Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1 12/11/06

Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1

LA High School Dec 11th 2006Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1


Chair J TorresRangel (JTR)Secretary Jon Mannion (JM)Maria Mateo (MM)parentFelecia Perez (FP)Julieta Chavez (JC)parentsLawana Covington (LC)Tae Hwan Lee (THL)StudentNayeli Garcia (NG)StudentRaul Fernandez(RF)
Yamileth (Y)
Rosanne Altin (RA)

445pm meeting to order

Agenda Amendments

Parent Participation

Fieldtrip funding allocation

Categorical Funding Update re HPSG and personnel

Text book carts

CLC request

1. Minutes approved unanimously

Recommendations that the Sgt at Arms creates a TODO LIST to add to the minutes at the end of the meeting

2. Identify alternates.

For sure Fernandez is my alternate.
Questions remain re alternates
Motion to make name plates for all members
SSC recomends an action for Mannion to make name plates. Present a roll sheet too

3. Budget Discrepancy and protocol

FN 82000 USD in each holding account IMA and ??
Mr Talbot(now no longer the HPSG boss) needs much more detail to justify BAR.
Mr Talbot is not the responsible person in LAUSD.
He wants programs or materials. That relate to the specified areas (Math and ELA)
FP wants a summary of balance of HPSG
A BAR will have to be made for the missing $$ due to salaries
330 000 USD is what is remaining.
2nd Mon in Jan we can meet as a su committee before the SSC meeting
We will get money from Super-Intentants spending. This will be used if possible to circumvent the HPSG restrictions, and the HPSG can be used for tech investments that will be easy to justify.
Recommends that a sub committee will form to prepare specific budget and justification (perhaps that puts the HPSG money to CLC) while other $ is transferred from Superintendents $
RA do we have the protocol for HPSG ideas
FP we could send out a similar proposal form for Title 1 $$ too
LC what is our time line?
JM Who is the replacement for Mr Talbot
FN We don’t know but it may be H Gerst??!!
FN I like FP idea re form/protocol that includes the justification and reminder of the parameters that we have to plan to.
SSC recommends that we find out who we are dealing with. That we put out the form. That we meet to put together a justification for the HPSG and use that money to purchase Computers etc.
FN agrees to send out the form to C Track teachers. Drop by school by the 22nd
RA Also the holiday party can be included. To be sent out this week.
Motion to send out a paper protocol to teachers
Motion to set up a sub committee to meet 4pm on the 8th Jan 2007 to review or create the proposals.
2nd by FN
Carried unanimously.

SSC Recommends that FN and FP will make a flier and send it back to Mannion for distribution.

JC do we need a technician to help put together the broken computers.

Salaries from Superintendent (WASC)$$ goes to salaries Mannion, 1 nurse,
RA can facilities $ from Supers $ be used for gym equipment
RF no the $$ is for the classrooms.
JC forms are for teachers and students?
Only for Teachers.

Chairman> The WASC Superintendent $$ is all set out and spent or what?
FN Not sure, but money allocated and requisitioned by Mannion in the CLC. To about 350 000.
SSC recommends that FN reports back on Transformation HS Grant Money (AKA Local Superintendent $$)
FN states that parents are included to make proposals recommendations.

4. T1 Coordinator

FN No final answer. 4 people did apply. After examination of applications 2 out of 4 not tenured. Therefore not applicable. Talked to FP
Issue with C Track…some say did nt receive info.
So holding till C track return.
After interview, staff will ratify in summer.

5. CLC funding

See docs $5800 asked for by Mr Mannion to cover basic supplies such as toner
Motion to accept
Unanimously accepted.

6. Field Trip allocation

FP limited only 30 FT at start of school year. Now we have 23 left
Recommends: Proposal form with Teacher then Dept sign offs, Admin and Title 1 and then SSC for flow of finances for FT.
LC a good idea to support forward planning of field trips that align to what we want to support.
RF requests at least a 2 week forwards planning because of the need for SSC
RA why not make 1 form for spending and FT
FP recommends that FP and FN make 1 form for spending be the spending general or a FT
The form would go thru the same flow: T, Dept Chair: Assistant Principal, T1 and SSC.
One form for cat funds.
FN the planning has to be at least 2 weeks in advance.
FN A rational must be part of the form

Parent Participation.

Translation issue re Korean and Spanish
Minutes in Spanish and Korean.

TBR Carts
Chair recommends that RA search for TBR Carts

Meeting adjourned 607pm

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Agenda for SSC Meeting 4.35pm December 11th 2006

December 11th 2006

LA High School
Agenda for SSC Meeting 4.35pm
Title 1 Office

1. Read and approve minutes

2. Identify alternates

3. Old Business
Mr. Talbot from HPSG will visit and explain the processes

4. New Business

5. Upcoming Business

6. Announcements

Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1 11/27/06

Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1

LA High School Nov 27th 2006Minutes For SSC Meeting 4.35pm Title 1


Chair J TorresRangel (JTR)Secretary Jon Mannion (JM)Maria Mateo (MM)parentFelecia Perez (FP)Julieta Chavez (JC)parentsOscar Saravia(translating)Tae Hwan Lee (THL)StudentNayeli Garcia (NG)StudentDidi Gotzeva (DG)Raul Fernandez(RF) Dr Moohay Choe(MC) Susana Martinez(SM)student Rosanne Altin (RA)

440pm meeting to order

1. Minutes approved unanimously

2. Identify alternates.

Tabled as DrNish is absent. FP takes on the responsibility of finding ot the next available members in each category.

3. TBR (Text Book Room)

No phone in TBR. Tthe sub TBR attendant works a full day.
Carts but who drives the cart?
Motion to fund the purchase of 10 book carts at price 240USD
8 votes for and 2 abstaining

Can we ask teachers to return carts?

Can we ask T1 to search for their carts.
Perhaps some kind of TBR color or labeling would help maintain the carts in the TBR.
Can we place the order tomorrow thru Title1. The requisition is From Chairman JTR.

4. Budget Discrepancy and protocol

A brief presentation of A478 by MC
FP There is still a about 100,000USD discrepancy
MC says that account payable encumbrances came in and took away the difference
RA it seems strange that this year we have a 3.51% Admin Service Charge.
Chairman: We are all new to the financial process.
Can we see these encumbrances?
MC There are some desktops paid for last spring but have just been put into the account.
MC There is confusion as different admin buy different things and I was nt here last year.
RF Now today at the table are Admin Service Charge, …..shelving LABOR costs has been added. This covers the 100000USD
MC Purchases made last year have been included to change or apparent balance
RF no purchase orders have gone thru this year and what past bills have been bought in the past year
MC some items may have been bought or paid for from things last year.
FP Motion That on Dec 11th we request Mr. Talbot from HPSG will visit and explain the processes
MC SSC will recommend that MC will call and invite Mr Talbot to come to LA at his convenience
Motion carried. With 1 abstention due to frustration with the process
MC reminds the SSC that the process is difficult and time consuming and recommends that we should go ahead with our protocols processes and requisitions.
The justification is based on SUPPLIMENTAL, NOT SUPPLANTING the regular district purchases. Especially in LA and Math
RA How can we have a proposal for shelving and NOT for a work out exercise machine for PE.
MC re tie line for budgets. By MID MARCH have expenditures ready
RA underscores that A Track needs to be informed ASAP
FP re the sub committee proposal.
Categorical Fund allocation process.
Field trip process:
$ for FT is divided by Track and then by Dept.
RA What happens if there is nobody in Eng Dept who wants to take a trip.
RA adds the motion: a first come first served if there are no takers for trip slots after a date possibly April. 1.
FP Once we are SLC based they will be included in the protocol and division.
Motion carried with 9 votes for and 1 abstention (no comprende)
MM what are the chances of a field tri for a student? Is it equal?
RF Dept has to decide within the department.
Field Trip Procedural
See link
Teachers will have s simple justification form; D chairs will sign of then to Title 1 and thence to Admin
Motion passed 10-1 abstaining

How to spend all of our CATEGORICAL FUNDS

Motion To Divide by Dept not by tracks.
No second

RF Past practice was to come as an ad hoc. Presentation as most $ is already encumbered
Motion carried by 7-3 abs that there would be no restrictions by track or dept but funding will be in one pot to be divided base dn the value of the project to the school as a whole by SSC.

Option 2 was carried by 9-1 abs

Teacher Procedure for Field Trip Funding Motion: If a teacher wants to go on field trip for a given subject they must get approval from their department chair and supervising administrator and then take paperwork to Title I for ordering of bus, etc. Teacher—Dept. Chair----Admin----Title I Addendum to minutes added Tuesday 28th Nov 2006Equity in Trip Funding: Motion: Funding for field trips is divided equally both by track and department. Staff Procedure for Categorical Funds $ Allocation Motion: Teachers seeking funding must submit a written proposal (including item summary, reasons for purchase, and how it will benefit all LA High Romans) and budget to the entire SSC for approval only if the proposed budget it over $1,000.00. All items under $1,000.00 will be given to SSC financial subcommittee for approval. Presenter-----SSC (over $1K) or SSC Subcommittee (under $1K)

(see link)